I'm feeling more comfortable now, for I'm used to the readings and weekly papers.The job is great! I supervise Arabic, Farsi, Greek, Hindi, Indonesian, Portuguese, Swahili, Thai, Turkish, Vietnamese, and Wolof tutors, but the official language for the meetings, of course, is English.Two weeks ago, we discussed Class Plan, which is a difficult stuff for most of the tutors.To teach this kind of course ( Self Study Program ), which has no syllabus, is hard due to a wide variety of materials available.Sharing my Week 1 Class Plan with them was really helpful ( thanks CTJ ).
Oh! My Sao Benedito!!!!I have a problem: my new friends are making plans for a potluck lunch and they asked me to take some Brazilian food ( we will have Indian, Indonesian, and American food ).Telma Peres + todos os talentos da cozinha ai HELP!!!!!HELP!!!!!HELP!!!!!!
Time to go.It's noon and I'm ready for a sandwich+some soup.
The weather right now=8C.