T E S O L 2007 - Seattle

Despite my busiest time (I've been writing my thesis proposal), I was able to make it to TESOL, and I must say it was worthwhile. Although choosing presentations is hard (there is a lot to choose from), if you're lucky you can attend the "right" ones whose content can be useful for your classes. Tools and Techniques for Creating Intercultural Classrooms, for example, gave me great tips on how to select activities for a culturally diverse class; Attention Deficit Disorder and EFL gave me a real insight into the causes of some students'behavior.
Que saudade, Bené.
Esse clima me parece familiar. Pena que não pude ir.
Dear Bené,
Foi ótimo te ver! The best time ever and great memories!
Bene, we miss you a lot! We had a great time in Seattle. I just wish we had more free time for fun!
Hey Baby!!!! U had a very nice time in Seattle, right? Among friends... Are u fine? hope u finish ur master theses as soon as possible, so that I´ll see u sooner! :)
Happy Birthday my dear friend! You deserve all the best!
Well said.
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