Moving to Eugene

The adventure will start next Wednesday.
On Friday, hands on. I'll have my first meeting with my colleagues and my Advisor.
On Monday, I'll start working at the Yamada Language Center as a Supervisor of the Language Center. I would say I'm anxious and excited about this new professional stage in my life!
By the way, the picture just above is with a dear student, Alceu, who is always around and came here only to say goodbye.
Guys, this is just the beginning. Wait for more soon, and I hope to hear from you all, students, colleagues and dear friends.
Well am I the first to comment in ur blog? Sure I am!!! First I’d like to thank my mother for all the support hahahahh just kidding. I will start saying that Carla Arena was right, If no one posts here I will always be around... Second I am extremely proud of being chosen among thousands and thousands students to take this outstanding picture with u. Third, it has been a pleasure to be ur student due to the fact that I still learn from u not only grammar but more importantly true values such as dignity, respect and humility (Carla does know how difficult it is for me to say that...) but anyway I wish u luck and happiness but above all I wish u another Josafá in the USA. Finally, as Whitney Houston said: I WILL ALWAYS LOVE UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!
A foto ficou muito legal!!
Duas pessoas muito queridas, meu amigao alceu e a prof. mas animada da CTJ, Bene!=)
O Alceu me falou da foto e eu vim aqui conferi-la!!Ficou muito gracinha!!=***
O blog foi uma otima ideia!!=D
Bene, desejo uma boa viagem pra vc!
Aproveita bastante e nos mantenha sempre informados, hein?!
Adorei ser sua aluna!!Vc eh uma otima professora e uma pessoa maravilhosa!Obrigada por tudo mesmo! De coracao...=P
beijinhos pra os dois =********
Hi, Bené!!!
I can´t believe I found you here!!You probably won't remember me, but I studied with you in 99 at Asa Norte...i was in the Elementary 1. was a long time ago...I remember the songs you made us sing "Can you color the rainbow....can you color your eyes..." "GOod morning, good morning, good morning and how are you this morning..."..that time will never come back, unfortunately...I have good news!I graduated at Thomas last semester!!
Well, GOd bless you wherever you are!
Kisses and hugs!
if you want to contact me, my email is:
BYe bye!See ya!
Bené querida:
I am soo happy for you and your first Flex 1 Portuguese class! Congratulations!
Estou muito feliz que o seu aluno Alceu (best of all times) esteja sempre por perto, já que as vezes a gente falha por falta de tempo. Mas a gente fica feliz com os seus sucessos e sente muita saudade de você.
Patricia Faustino
Would you like to give me whole words of "can you color the rainbow"? Thanks a lot
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